Frequently Asked Questions: Other Requests
Below is the list of frequently asked questions that involve requests.
Will Emi speak to the class I'm teaching?
If you teach in Portland, Oregon area, chances are she will. E-mail Emi with detailed information about what you are looking for, when and where. If you are outside of Portland area, you will need to find a school or organization that would sponsor her. See Emi's presentation FAQ for more information.
Can I interview Emi for my term paper?
If you are going to ask me to do an interview for your school paper, I expect that you have already read materials that are readily available elsewhere, including this web site. If you don't know how to locate them, ask your librarian.
I'm a journalist. Can I interview Emi now?
It depends on the topic, but probably. E-mail Emi with your story idea or proposal.
Will Emi write an article for my magazine/book?
E-mail Emi with your idea or proposal.
Will Emi appear in the talk show I'm producing?
Probably not. And I know that you would say, "but we're not that kind of talk show!" so in that case send me a copy of your recent show that featured trans people or prostitutes: that should give me a good idea of how friendly your show is.
How can I contact Emi?
E-mail is always the best way to contact Emi. Her email address is If you need to send a package, send to Emi Koyama, PO Box 40570, Portland OR 97240. If you need the phone number, e-mail and ask for it.
You say you are a sex worker... How much for a date?
Please! I do not discuss any illegal behaviors over e-mails, or with anyone contacting me through this web site for that matter. All e-mails of this kind will be ignored.